Have you ever experienced a situation when there are many scattered ideas in your mind. Then, you intend to write these ideas into an article. But, you stopped when you wanted to write the first word. Since there are many scattered ideas, you even feel confused how to start writing?
Writing requires preparation. Good preparation will produce good article. To answer the question above, I have two tips. Those tips I got from my friends when I still in college.
First, before writing, make an outline. Write down all the ideas that occurred in the form of a pointer. Just write those ideas.
When you have finished writing all the ideas, further more, check the pointers that you had written. Look for pointers that have a relationship. So, from that pointers can form a good article. Eliminate any pointers that you think has no relevance.
The next step, when all the pointers have become a unit, you can start thinking, your will start writing from what pointer. Sequence the pointer you had written into one plot.
Now you just wrote. Develop pointers into some little pointers. My advice, from one pointer, you can make some subpointer with spesific theme. From that one subpointer, you can develop them into a single paragraph.
For example, you have five pointers. From one pointer, you can develop into five subpointers. So, you can write 25 paragraph from 25 subpointers that you have
read more about merge ideas into an article
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